Can moods or mental perception influence passion ?

What are moods ?

In most dictionaries one will find the word mood associated to temper or humor and a mood is described as being a state of mind, or a perception brought on by an inclination or a disposition towards a set of circumstances.

Other words that come to mind when thinking of the word mood are feeling, aura, tone, ambiance, spirit, and being.

Since moods come about by sensing or deep feelings then one has to wonder how far a person can develop a passion by following up on a certain mood.

Some of the greatest and most atrocious creative moments in history come when the right people with the right mood have come together in the right environment.

Free will and mood can clash in my opinion.

In the following video one witnesses the horror of passion. Behind the horror of death is a grand master who is influencing everyone else into action. It is a passion towards death and all that the leader needs to do is to influence the mood of the flock. Below the surface every person in the video has passion yet the free will to exercise any valiant passion is subdued by the greater feeling or state of mind of the group.

Every 15 minutes someone dies the singer sings as he tells the story of the use of landmines in war games.

And the true passion of the individual is lost to the maniacal ritual of the few who have use of dark passion which lead to dark moods en masse.

But certainly there must be a reason to believe that not all of humanity is vibrating on the frequency of those who would build realities based on terror.

Defining moments of creative passion can be found throughout history and each of these moments brings forth an ideology or a mood for the period. However almost any truly creative structure is in some sense a defense system.

A truly creative monument is similar to a time post or a sign of the time that makes a statement.

Such great achievements are often the result of war or the defense mechanism of one culture protecting it's regional mood, or it's regional free will or the people, from the free will of another faction or group from another region.

The landmines in the above video are the remnants of the madness of civilization.

Step on one and you have found death and your 15 minutes of fame. But the mood of the time or the spirit of the time machine continues on.


Things we are working on


Mood modifiers
