A description of energy as it applies to the human condition and the elements of life or earth, wind, fire, water, and ether.

To be born of energy.

The human condition begins somewhere between the time of contact of the ovum and the sperm and the time that the infant is delivered and takes it's first breath of air. To debate the exact nature of when the actual moment of life begins would be to invite trouble since there are so many opinions therefore i will leave it up to the reader to decide when life begins.

But there is a beginning of that i am certain that all agree. The human condition renders each of us full of human energy that is somehow restricted by our need for oxygen, heat, water, and foods grown of the earth. Somehow throughout our life we will all struggle with questions of spirit and of the fifth essence of life. Upon being born to planet earth we are separated from the ethereal world for a time. We are automatically bound to certain restrictions by our geographical position at birth which sets us up to certain geopolitical responsibilities. Unfortunately for some the restrictions are even worst that simply political pressures. Some are born with physical or mental handicaps. But even these special people should be only a benefit to those who are in positions to help them to live abundantly while everyone journeys together towards the last breadth that will once again leave us where we started at the ethereal gate.

Beyond the energy fields that keep us alive as humans we will encounter abundances of creatures that too are essences of the energy yet for reasons only known to men of great knowledge and to lords of supernatural knowledge.

All of these creatures will have learned somewhere, somehow, how to interact with the whole of nature in order to survive the journey. Mostly, in the animal kingdom it's a journey of peace with the occasional struggle to protect sovereignty. The human condition however somehow has developed beyond that scope where some units of energy seem unable or unwilling to live and let live. Control is all they seem to understand and it seems they may stop at nothing to keep that mighty self seeking method.

But most of us are just content to being part of the animal kingdom and we will gladly share the abundant energy that is part and portions of the intermingling of the elements that bond to form the whole.

We have learned to play and to create within the animal kingdom. And even in competition mostly we have learned to survive peacefully in the energy field that we know as earth. Our ponds of water were once pure of toxics as were our skies of air and our fires burnt to supply us only with fuels in the form of food or heated shelter.

Yet a madness may have infiltrated the energy field of humanity.

The passion born in humanity will most likely subdue this madness. It must if the species is to survive. And survival to most people that i know is a matter of having free will.

It's a matter of having freedom to choose to fly, or ride a bike, or hike on any trail of choice, or of simply learning new tricks while playing with the elements. Learning new tricks is part of living freely in the animal kingdom.

So energy is what we are born of and born into and it is also what we come from and where we are bound for. Energy is life and eternity.